When the Earth Was Young, Bible Speller-Reader, Book 1


Identified by its attractive cover in silk laminate, the book is 6 x 9 inches, containing 278 pages with numerous illustrations and charts. It has the progress check lists, spelling words for each new lesson, including several everyday words every student needs to know, like days of the week, months of the year, parents’ names, their own address, and a few other useful words that are not included in the Bible lessons. It is used as a sequel to the Creation Reading Course.

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In consequence of disobedience, their natures became perverted and bent to evil. Sin is so offensive to God that our first parents would have died instantly when they disobeyed, except that the God of love and mercy was prepared for this emergency of disloyalty. He gave His only begotten Son, "slain from the foundation of the world", as man's Substitute to take the death blow which was ours, and give us each opportunity to obtain the life which is His. Only as we reach out in faith to our Savior, and choose to walk in harmony with His perfect law, can any of us receive power to walk securely in this world where the demon power is in the ascendency. Only by a daily miracle of divine power can we, children of sin, be uplifted and "walk in newness of life" (Romans 6:4).The Christian life if not for irresolute weaklings. Each day is a daily battle and march against spiritual wickedness in high places and requires the Sword of the Spirit with all other spiritual armour.

Genesis lays the foundation of why we need a Savior. God pleading with Cain to give his heart to God, and to resist sin, is the call of God to each of us. His rebellion and wicked course, resulting from his refusal to come with God's drawing, eventually called for the worldwide flood to cleanse the earth of its moral pollution. The antediluvians were not of any undeveloped, evolutionary model, but were long-lived, of great physical strength, strong memory, of the highest intelligence, and capable of the most marvelous inventions. But this intelligence could not save them, apart from humble faith in Christ and wholehearted obedience. The Seed of the Woman, promised in Genesis 3:15, was typified by the slain lamb in every sacrifice. It was, He is, this Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. The forgiveness of our sins rests in our Savior Jesus, in Whom our hopes of not only life, but eternal life confide. He cleanses the repentant sinner from all unrighteousness by washing us by the Holy Spirit through claiming the promises in His Word, typified by the coats of skins that God made for mankind. It represents us being clothed with Christ's righteousness. What a precious gift!! May gratitude arise in every heart for God's Unspeakable Gift!

The fall of man and its consequences is a great pillar of Bible truth. Without this understanding, it is easy to imagine ourselves "good enough" as we are, without the Divine Substitute and Surety. The truth is, apart from Christ, we have no life, no light, no hope, and no goodness. "Without Me ye can do nothing." "There is none good, but One." Jesus is the Light that shines into every man's heart. Our part is to daily surrender our whole being to the control of heavenly agencies to be used in His service and prepare for service above. Faithfulness in the duty that lies nearest is where we are prepared for any future work that God may have for us. "When The Earth Was Young" is to show our children the way of life and warn them of the wages of sin. Besides the science of salvation, many other sciences can be gleaned from this study such as nature identification as when Adam was assigned to name the animals, marriage wisdom, math in connection with the genealogies and building the ark, etc, God's massive control and sustenance of nature, and the blessed results of walking with God, and much more, will be a blessing to every willing and diligent student. The teacher can encourage reading with good expression, and obedience to punctuation to promote good expression and comprehension.


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