How The Program Works
Common Mistakes Corrected
Recommended Reading
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Consulting & Tutoring Services
Useful Links
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As in building a house, a solid foundation for reading must be laid to have a solid literary structure. An early literary goal is reading but it ought to be preceded by the proper understanding of and writing of letters and spelling rules. Therefore it is very important that the foundation for reading be laid carefully and well. The multi-sensory approach to reading, as laid out in the Creation Reading Course, helps to lay that foundation solidly.
Spoken and written words are made up of sounds called phonograms. The logical order in which to begin is:
- To learn the phonograms/sounds that make up our language. — Auditory sense
- Connect those sounds visually to the lowercase letters. — the Visual sense (Capital letters are introduced with the applicable rule when needed.)
- Write the letter according to the sound that the letter makes, not by its name. — Touch and Kinesthetic Motions
- Join the phonograms in order, according to spelling rules to write words. Spelling visually lays out how the sounds are written in order, and when spoken, are also blended in the same order. True spelling rules are applied in studying each word. (Using all five senses and using the whole brain, results in learning with the greatest ease.)
Thus children, youth, and adults learn through their five senses why a word is written the way it is. When a concept makes good sense, it is remembered and the student can decode and read the words.
The Bible is used as the textbook through which we teach spelling, reading, and many other useful concepts. As the children learn to read, their minds are filled with principles of truth. They may think about them throughout the day and apply the principles in various ways. Godly principles are illustrated in the Bible stories, which clearly show the right way to believe and act.
Common Mistakes Corrected by The Creation Reading Course
When we see the contrast between the popular way of educating and God’s safe way, may we “choose the good and refuse the evil.” As parents, to a great extent we choose eternal life or eternal death for our children in their early years. We cannot discount the influence of little things. “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.” Luke 16:10. “Deny them anything rather than the education that they should receive in their earliest years.” CG 17. “As the twig is bent, the tree is inclined.” “For the vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of Israel.” Isa. 5:7.“Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.” S. of S. 2:15.
Competent reading is extremely valuable, but a complex skill. Reading skill depends on many sub-skills. When the sub-skills are thoroughly taught, the complex skill of reading will certainly be attained. Following are some common, detrimental mistakes. Though seemingly small, they ought to be corrected to facilitate skillful reading.
Area | Common Mistakes | Correction Using the CRC |
Phonetics | Alphabet letter names are generally taught first. Their names are easily confused with their sounds. Letter names are not needed in learning phonics. | Call all alphabet letters by their phonogram sound(s) first and learn these well; avoid letter names until they are actually needed. Identify all letters by their sounds. |
Sounds | Phonics sounds are omitted, scattered, and so incomplete that important connections are missed. | Learn all the letter sounds as an oral rhyme; these sounds are arranged in scientific order. |
All Sounds in Order | When letter sounds are taught, often only one sound is given for those letters that have more sounds. Why withhold useful information? | All sounds are taught in orderly arrangement when first introduced and routinely drilled in the same manner thereafter. Young children find them easy. |
Pure | Inconsistent and wrong sounds are taught. | Pure, orderly, and accurate sounds are taught. |
Links | Sounds are linked to pictures rather than the letters. Pictures side track from the essential. | The letter shapes and the feel of stroking them must be linked directly to the sound(s). |
Phonogram Songs? | When phonograms are sung, all the sounds are being voiced. No difference is made between the voiced and the unvoiced sounds, which is incorrect. | Distinguish the voiced from the unvoiced sounds to say them purely. Avoid engaging the vocal chords when saying unvoiced sounds. |
Pictures? | Pictures are associated with phonics sounds | Letters are the only pictures we use for the phonograms. |
Awareness | Phonemic awareness is insufficiently cultivated | Phonemic awareness should be drilled on and learned. |
Adding | For phonics instruction, avoid adding words for example: A is for apple. The word adds to and distracts from the three sounds made by a. | Simply link the letter directly to its sound(s). Various fonts, sizes, slants, lowercase, and capitals are connected to the phonogram sounds. |
Teacher | The child largely left to teach himself is a shame (Prov. 29:15). He figures out sounds imperfectly. | A knowledgeable teacher is required to effectively lead a student through the phonograms, handwriting, etc. |
Phonograms | Phonograms are usually not taught or learned | Oral alphabet phonograms are taught from when a child learns to speak; multi-letter phonograms come next, the basic and the advanced. |
Area | Common Mistakes | Correction Using the CRC |
Handwriting | The child is left to copy writing without instruction. | Each letter part and its stroking should be explicitly taught at least once to every child. |
Stroking | Correct stroking is often not taught. | Precise, consistent stroking and slant are taught for each manuscript and cursive letter. Guide sheets show how to size and position the letters on the lines. |
Central | Little handwriting is required. | Cursive handwriting is central and pivotal to the method and should be daily cultivated |
Brain | There is little to stimulate the right brain when copying in manuscript; the left brain is overtaxed. | The CRC handwriting and phonograms draw in the whole brain, because cursive draws on the right brain. |
Manual | Learning to read well is difficult without putting forth the effort to write. Many avoid manual work. | Correct cursive provides a manual-visual sample of the sounds, which fixes them more firmly in mind. |
Cursive | No cursive is required. | Cursive is the most useful and preferred form of handwriting. Introduce it early and practice it well. |
Lowercase | Inadvertent reversals are often made when children write in manuscript. Manuscript capitals are easy to reverse. Manuscript does not restrain dyslexia. | Lowercase cursive restrains reversals; it has been effectively used to prevent or overcome dyslexia. |
Study | Little or no word study is required of beginners. | Thorough word study and analysis increases understanding of each word |
Habits | The child uses incorrect pencil and paper hold. Poor posture, lighting, and seating are often distracting problems. | The teacher prepares a writing place that fits the student, and guides him in correct pencil and paper hold until the habit is established. |
Threshold | Handwriting is delayed or belittled as unimportant | Handwriting ability is the threshold, which leads forward into proper spelling and reading |
Goals | Capital manuscript letters are often taught as the first goal, which tends to induce dyslexia. | Cursive is our goal; lowercase manuscript is briefly introduced; we avoid prolonging drill on manuscript. |
Focus | A student is allowed to copy by “looking up and down” from the copy to where he is writing. He loses the continuity of stroking on his own writing. | Technique is taught orally (and illustrated) before the student writes. Then the student can focus his efforts on his own writing, while saying the sound(s). |
Corrections | Handwriting mistakes too often go uncorrected | Students proofread their own handwriting. The teacher watches, and corrects small errors before they become ingrained wrong habits. |
Capitals | Mixes capitals and lowercase letters in words or sentences indiscriminately | In early lessons, students write in all lowercase. When capitals are needed, capital letters and capitalization rules are taught together. |
Legible | Poor techniques and carelessness result in sloppy, illegible handwriting. | Beautiful, legible, curvy and slanted, flowing handwriting is cultivated for quality, then speed. |
Lifts | Manuscript is slower and more difficult to write: it requires many more pencil lifts than cursive. | Cursive is easier. It goes continuously for a word or syllable and has an easy slant. It has fewer pencil lifts. |
First | Manuscript, when learned and practiced first, is strong, but a less efficient writing motor-template. | Proper cursive, when learned first, becomes the ideal, supplying a strong motor template for handwriting. |
Template | Careless and disorderly stroking becomes an impediment to phonics, spelling, and reading. | Precise, orderly cursive with correct stroking and slant, taught early, produces the best mental template. |
Orientation | Left-handed individuals struggle to write with a “hooked” arm and hand for a right-handed slant, or teachers may require them to use their right hand. | Left- and right-handed persons learn the mechanically easy slant. Using the correct slant makes handwriting legible and beautiful for either orientation. |
Area | Common Mistakes | Correction Using the CRC |
Spelling | Spelling is learned by memorizing word size and shape, without phonics and thorough word study | Spelling is discovered and written by phonograms, syllabication, the accent, and the spelling rules. |
Analysis | Little critical analysis of words is required | Analysis summarizes and reviews what has been learned in studying and spelling each word. |
Rules | “Rules” are taught that do not hold true. Therefore, many persons believe English spelling is very unruly. | The true rules must apply 90-100% of the time and these patterns are very consistent. |
Endings | Words are taught by look-alike endings; this causes a jerky back-and-forth eye movement (like constant rereading) which induces, and promotes, dyslexia. | Words are taught by look-alike endings; this causes a jerky back-and-forth eye movement (reading words backward and/or constant re-reading). Jerky and backward eye movements cause dyslexia. |
Foundation | A poor foundation, or no foundation for progress | Builds a solid foundation through handwriting, the phonograms, spelling, and word study.. |
Teacher | The student who cannot yet read, needs a teacher’s guidance; otherwise, gaps will be left in his education. | A knowledgeable teacher is required to lead the willing student through this effective program. |
Simple | Many think spelling is complicated. | Spelling is more simple than reading and, when properly taught, it leads directly to reading. |
Area | Common Mistakes | Correction Using the CRC |
Reading | Those who write only manuscript may never learn to read cursive handwriting. | Cursive-trained students read both kinds of writing. |
Foundation | Foundational rules are lacking | A solid foundation has been built through clear speech, the phonograms, and proper cursive handwriting |
Rules | Words, coupled with pictures, are memorized as units. If the pictures are removed, the words may or may not be remembered. | Words are deciphered by applying the phonograms and spelling rules. The student can sound out the word at any time, if he forgets a word. |
Focus | Often taught in small disconnected segments, teaching is in short, jumpy segments, on sentimental and artificial topics | Focused, connected, dependable rules. True and useful thoughts on natural and spiritual topics. Promotes the cultivation of perseverance in good habits. |
Pictures, Sounds | Illiterate persons read pictures. Even toddlers can “read” a picture. Too many pictures may prevent ever learning to read well. | Students read letters by reciting the phonogram sounds. They read words by blending sounds together. The focus is on the sounds of the phonograms that compose the words and blending them together. |
Four Years Later | The student often makes a good early show of reading when his word list is 100 – 200 words long. After three or four years of study, if not earlier, their deficiencies surface. |
This student makes gradual progress in reading. His knowledge of the phonograms, handwriting, and spelling enables gradual, continual progress. By the 3rd or 4th year superiority in reading becomes noticeable. |
Jump or Climb | The backward approach jumps to grasp the 6th rung of literary ladder first – reading – and the student is left hanging. This is a quick but ineffective and discouraging approach. | Forward and upward; a streamlined approach begins on the 1st rung and climbs the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th rungs before arriving at the 6th rung. It takes more time than memorizing two hundred words, but is solid. |
Comprehension | Poor comprehension and poor vocabulary | Good comprehension and an expanding vocabulary |
Guess or Know | Pseudo-linguistic guessing game in which the student guesses and makes up his own meaning rather than extracting what the author meant. | The student aims to understand each word accurately and gather the wisdom the author intended to share. |
Stagnant or Progress | Reading ability stagnates; practice is uninteresting and more difficult reading is not comprehended. | Reading is a discovery adventure. It will constantly improve by reading challenging materials. |
Brain Use | Relies mostly on the left brain to read | Uses the whole brain when writing cursive and reading. The cerebellum, the frontal lobe, and the right and left hemispheres with the corpus callosum linking them. |
Senses Used | Uses only eyes, ears, and voice | The multi-sensory method, based on the break-through writing-approach to reading, involves all the senses. |
Fiction or Truth | The mind is limited, cramped, and narrowed by reading fiction. | Thoughts are deepened, broadened, and ever expanding by eternal truth and service. |
Results | Within four years the average student will be able to read about 1,600 words well, and guess at thousands more– some correctly and some incorrectly. | Within four years of continued study in correct lines, the average student will be able to read about 24,000 words with confidence and sound out many more. |
Video Guides for Teachers and Students
The videos below can be used to aid teachers and students in learning the phonogram sounds, in connection with the Summary of Phonograms chart that is included in the Kit.
Alphabet Phonograms
(Part 1 of 3)
Basic Multi-Letter Phonograms
(Part 2 of 3)
Advanced Multi-Letter Phonograms
(Part 3 of 3)
Kettle Falls True Education Seminar
The videos below are an introduction to The Creation Reading Course.
(Part 1 of 5)
(Part 2 of 5)
Problem’s and Solutions in Literacy
(Part 3 of 5)
(Part 4 of 5)
(Part 5 of 5)
Recommended Reading: Building Your Home Library for Children
The following lists of good books are grouped by the four sources of Christian education. These include only a few of the good books available. All are not written by Christian authors, but we think they are all useful. The list of practical skills books is heavy on sewing because this has been my interest. The list could be much expanded to fit all vocations. Sewing is a wonderful hands-on application of math, along with agriculture, business, carpentry, crafts, cooking, and baking.
Beware of story books, even those books promoted as mission stories, that are read mostly for the thrilling story. The Bible and SOP are better. Mission stories should be true, not historical fiction, and uplift Christ and His power to save, more than the “missionary.” Over-simplified books for children will not adequately challenge their minds to expand to their potential, so are usually best to avoid. Many “school books” are of this type. They purposely restrict the vocabulary, dramatize good books, like Pilgrim’s Progress, may assign rote questions rather than encouraging children to think and formulate their own questions. Too often they discourage independent thought. Be careful to find truth, useful information, and books that will advance you toward heaven, while developing skilled usefulness and valuable knowledge. They are not simply for entertainment. Any good book can be made interesting to a child, if you are truly interested in it yourself.
Nature books should enable you appreciate the wonderful natural resources God has created for beauty, and adapted to revel His love, power, and wisdom. Nature is the resource for all, even the youngest children, on which health, happiness, and all useful trades depend. Agriculture is the basis of civilization and business. Identification guides are important so that we can teach our children to identify plants, insects, rocks, water creatures, mammals, birds, etc., and learn the required vocabulary to speak about them intelligently. Children will be greatly benefitted if you read these books to them and lead them out to find the natural things. When they learn to read, encourage them to research the guides for themselves.
History books should also lead us heavenward. It is important to not forget how God has led in the past, and the lessons He has taught His people. May He help us to avoid repeating their mistakes, imitate their virtues, and to develop the necessary, present truths for our time. It is safe to follow the example of those who honor God by harmony with Christ, in accordance with the law and the testimony. “Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” Prov. 14:34.
1. Useful Work, Pratical Skills, Crafts
- The Holy Bible, King James Version
- The Complete Soapmaker, by Norma Coney, Sterling Publishing Co., NY
- Build Your own Earth Oven, by Kiko Denzer, Hand Print Press, OR
- Of These Ye May Freely Eat, Vegetarian Cookbook, by JoAnn Rachor, Family Health Publications, LLC
- A Good Cook…Ten Talents, by Rosalie and Frank Hurd, College Press, TN
- The Bread Builders, by Daniel Wing and Alan Scott, Chelsea Green Pub. Co., VT
- Kids Can Sew, by Carolyn Curtis (Ages 6-12) (Patterns tend to be oversized–measure the child and compare, adding a little ease. Very simple machine sewing.).
- Reader’s Digest New Fix-It-Yourself Manual, The Reader’s Digest Association, Pleasantville, NY
- Steven Caney’s Toy Book, Workman Publishing Company, NYC
- The Almanac of Rural Living, by Harvey C. Neese, William Morrow and Co., Inc., NY
- Reader’s Digest Back to Basics, The Reader’s Digest Association, Pleasantville, NY
- Sewing Made Easy, by Mary Lynch, Garden City Books, Garden City, NY
- Craft Manual of North American Indian Footwear, by George M. White
- Sew To Success, by Kathleen Spike
- Sewing as a Home Business, by Mary Roehr
- Nifty Fifty Quilts, Craft Books, NY, NY
- 30-Minute Doll Clothes, by Nancy Zieman with Joan Hinds
- Twenty Easy Machine-Made Rugs, by Jackie Dodson
- Sew Smart, by Judy Lawrence and Clotilde, IBC Publishing Co. Ft. Lauderdale, FL
- Your Guide to Quilting, by Joann Stores Inc.
- Metric Pattern Cutting, by Winifred Aldrich, Great Britain, The Thetford Press Ltd.
- Personal Patterns by Jinni, by Virginia Nastiuk, Newman-Burrows, Seattle (Fitting & Design)
- Beyond Backpacking, Ray Jardine’s Guide to Lightweight Hiking, Adventure Lore Press, AZ
- The Indian Tipi, Its History, Construction, and Use, by Reginald and Gladys Laubin, Ballantine Books, NY
- Learning to Write Spencerian Script, by Michael R. Sull and Debra E. Rapp. (Beautiful handwriting beyond the simple CRC cursive)
- Wildwood Wisdom, by Ellsworth Jaeger, Shelter Publications Inc., CA
- The Ultimate Wood Block Book, by Sam Bingham, Building castles, bridges, and other Engineering Marvels, Sterling Pub. Co., NY
- Easy Carpentry Projects for Children, by Jerome E. Leavitt, Dover Publications, NY
- The Handknitter’s Handbook, by Montse Stanley, Sterling Publishing, NY
- Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, by Betty Edwards, J. P. Tarcher, Inc., CA (This author is not a Christian, but there are many helpful principles and exercises for artistic drawing.)
2. Scriptures, Salvation, Jesus, Faith
- The Holy Bible, King James Version
- Living Fountains or Broken Cisterns, by E.A. Sutherland, A Thinking Generation
- Our Authorized Version Vindicated, by B. G. Wilkinson
- Thou Hast Magnified Thy Name Above All Thy Word, by Martin Klein, Savanah Pictures
- The Story of Jesus, by E. G. White, Southern Publishing Assoc.
- The Hiding Place, by Corrie Ten Boom with John and Elizabeth Sherrill, Bantam Books
- 50 Years in the Church of Rome, by Charles Chiniquy, Chick Publications, CA
- A Thousand Shall Fall, by Susi Hasel Mundy, Review and Herald Pub., MD
- That Book In the Attic, by Helen K. Oswald , Pacific Press Pub.
- Early Writings, by E.G. White, Review and Herald Pub., MD
- Education, by E. G. White, Pacific Press Pub. Assoc.
- The Pilgrim’s Progress, by John Bunyan, Complete and Unabridged Edition, Barbour Co., Inc., NJ
- Fullness of Joy, by Eric B. Hare, Pacific Press Pub. Assoc.
- Stories of Providential Deliverance, by William A. Spicer, Teach Services, Brushton, NY
- A Brand From the Burning, by Alcyon Ruth Fleck, Pacific Press Publishing Association
- Bible Readings for the Home, Harvestime Books, TN
- The Hands That Intervenes, by William Spicer, Harvestime Books, TN
- Steps to Christ by E.G. White
- Life Sketches of E.G. White
- Child Guidance, by E.G. White
- The Education that Educates, by Marion Cady
- Testimonies for the Church, Volumes 1-9, by E. G. White
- The Broken Blueprint, by Vance Ferrell
- The Youth’s Instructor E.G. White Articles
- Spirit of Prophecy, Volumes 1-4, by E. G. White (extra details in simple style)
- The Ministry of Healing, by E. G. White
- Spiritual Gifts, Volumes 1-4 (in 2 books), by E. G. White (extra details in simple style)
- The Testimony of Jesus (Rev. 19:10), by F. M. Wilcox
- The Conflict of the Ages Series (Volumes 1-5), by E. G. White
- The Adventist Home, by E. G. White
- Sons and Daughters of God, by E. G. White
- That I May Know Him, by E. G. White
- Golden Treasury of Bible Stories, by Arthur Spalding
- Creeping Compromise, by Joe Crews
- Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, by E. G. White
- Proverbs and James (philosophy), by Solomon and James (brother to Christ)
3. Nature, Science, Health, Gardening, Language
- The Holy Bible, King James Version
- Human Anatomy Coloring Book, by Margaret Matt and Joe Ziemian
- Human Anatomy in Full Color, by John Green, Dover Publications, Inc., Mineola, NY
- The Secret Life of Compost, by Malcolm Beck, Acres USA
- Successful Small-Scale Farming, by Karl Schwenke, Storey Books
- Reader’s Digest Illustrated Guide to Gardening, The Reader’s Digest Association, Pleasantville, NY
- Animals, Birds, and Plants of the Bible, by Willard S. Smith, Abington Press, Nashville, TN
- A Field Guide to the Mammals, by Burt and Grossenheider, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston
- Handy Farm Devices and How to Make Them, by Rolfe Cobleigh, The Lyons Press, CT
- The Solar Greenhouse Book, James C. McCullagh, Rodale Press, PA
- First Lessons in Beekeeping, by Keiths Delaplane, Dadant & Sons, Hamilton, IL
- Rodale’s Garden Problem Solver, by Jeff Ball, Rodale Press, PA
- The Simon & Schuster Encyclopedia of Animals, by Dr. Philip Whitfield, NY
- Back to Eden, by Jethro Kloss
- The Sting of the Scorpion, by Jonathan Gray, Swift Printing Services Pty Ltd. Australia
- Sunlight, by Zane R. Kime, MD, MS World Health Publications, CA
- The Mental Arithmetic for the Home and School, by E. A. Sutherland, A Thinking Generation
- Golden Nature Guides (Birds. Flowers .Insects. Seashores. Trees. Reptiles and Amphibians. Weather. Mammals. Pond Life. Fishes. Rocks and Minerals. Zoology. Gamebirds. Sea Shells of the World. Fossils. Butterflies and Moths. Non-Flowering Plants.) Golden Press, NY
- National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Trees (Various Regions) Random House, NY
- National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Wildflowers (Various Regions) Random House, NY
- National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Birds (Various Regions) Random House, NY
- Friends and Foes of Field and Forsest, by Vesta L. Farnsworth, Review and Herald Pub. Assn.
- Field Guide to the Birds of North America, National Geographic Society
- Medicinal Plants and Herbs, by Steven Foster and James A. Duke, Petersen Field Guides, Houghton Mifflin Co., NY
- Feasting Free on Wild Edibles, by Bradford Angier, Pyramid Books, NY
- All That The Rain Promises, and More…, by David Arora, A Hip Pocket Guide to Western Mushrooms, Ten Speed Press, Berkeley, Santa Cruz, CA
- School of Natural Healing, by Dr. John R. Christopher, Christopher Publications, Springville, UT
- Health Handbook, by Louise Tenny, M.H. Woodland Books, Provo, UT
- 130 Medicinal Plant Monographs of the Northwest, by Darcy J. Williamson, From the Forest, ID
- Edible Wild Plants of (Region) North America, by Peterson, Houghton Mifflin Co., NY
- Western Edible Wild Plants, by H. D. Harrington, The University of New Mexico Press, NM
- Where There Is No Doctor, A village Health care Handbook, by David Werner with Carol Thuman and Jane Maxwell, Hesperian Foundation, Palo Alto, CA
- The China Study, by T. Colin Campbell, PhD with Thomas M. Campbell II. Benbella Books, TX
- It’s All In Your Head, by Hal Huggins
- Uninformed Consent, Hidden Dangers in Dental Care, by Hal A. Huggins, DDS, MS, and Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD.
- Basics of Biblical Hebrew Grammar, by Gary D. Pratico and Miles V. Van Pelt, Zondervan, MI (Good book for beginner learning to read and understand Hebrew. Simple lessons.)
- The Essential Wild Food Survival Guide, by Linda Runyon, Wild Food Company, Shiloh, NJ ([email protected]) ISBN# 0-936699-10-8
4. Life Experiences, History
- The Holy Bible, King James Version
- Truth Triumphant, by B. G. Wilkinson, Ph.D., The Church in the Wilderness
- Valley of Decision, by Leola Woodruff
- The Underground History of American Education, by John Taylor Gatto, Oxford Village Press,
NY - Dumbing Us Down, by John Taylor Gatto, New Society Publishers
- Weapons of Mass Instruction, by John Taylor Gatto, New Society Publishers
- The Story of Liberty, by Charles Coffin, Maranatha Publications, Inc., FL
- Sweet Land of Liberty, by Charles Coffin, Maranatha Publications, Inc., FL
- The Boys of ‘76 by Charles Coffin, Maranatha Publications, Inc., FL
- Missions and Miracles, compilation by Harvestime Books, TN
- Storytime Treasury, compilation by Harvestime Books, TN
- Adventure Stories from History, compiled by Harvestime Books, TN
- The Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, by Merle J. D’Aubigne
- The History of Protestantism, Volumes 1 and 2, by J. A. Wylie (As a Sundaykeeper, Wylie
omitted certain details which are brought out clearly by B. G. Wilkinson in Truth Triumphant.
Wylie gives many graphic details of times, places, names and events.) - Israel of the Alps, by Alexis Muston
- The Man Who Couldn’t Be Killed, by Stanley Maxwell, Pacific Press Pub. Assn.
- The Great Controversy, by E. G. White
- History of the Waldenses, by J. A. Wylie, Cassell & Company, Ltd., NY
“Once you trust yourself to go mind-to-mind with great intellects, artists, scientists, warriors, and philosophers, you are finally free.”
“Close reading of tough-minded writing is still the best, cheapest, and quickest method known for learning to think for yourself.”
“Reading, and rigorous discussion of that reading in a way that obliges you to formulate a position and support it against objections, is an operational definition of education in its most fundamental civilized sense. No one can do this very well without learning ways of paying attention… Reading analysis, and discussion are the way we develop reliable judgment, the principle way we come to penetrate covert movements behind the facade of public appearances. Without the ability to read and argue we’re just geese to be plucked.”
“Reading is the skeleton key for all who lack a personal tutor of quality.”
“Pictures have nothing to do with learning to love reading, except too many of them will pretty much guarantee that it never happens.”
“A sight vocabulary is faster to learn than letters and phonograms, but the gain is a Trojan horse; only after several years have passed does the sight reader’s difficulty learning words from outside sources begin to become apparent. By that time, conditions made pressing,… make it hard to regain the ground lost.”
- School – Godly or Worldly and Formal [PDF]
Have you felt perplexed by the scientific data proving that there is danger in early schooling, just when children are the brightest and most receptive? Have you heard that starting school later is safer, perhaps at eight or ten years of age? Check out these important considerations to ensure a safe and effective education during their “golden years of learning”.
Consulting and Tutoring Services
Connect with our consultant listed below for consultations by phone, local in-home tutoring, and online tutoring. If you have experience in teaching the Creation Reading Course program and would like to work as a CRC consultant to help other families, please contact Sylvia and let’s see if you will be a good fit.

Eden Education Services
Lisa Quade is an experienced teacher with over 20 years of experience. She offers Student & Parent Zoom Tutoring Plans that utilize the Creation Reading Course. Follow the link below to get more information about her services and rates.
Useful Links
- The Bible Banner Newsletter – Lovely stories, recipes, and animal object lessons. Some parents may appreciate receiving it every month. It is free and you can get access to this newsletter by clicking here to sign up.
- True Education Newsletter – My sister (Lorraine) and brother-in-law (Alan) send out a monthly true education newsletter. If you would like to be added to their newsletter you may personally contact them by email or phone at [email protected] or 931-728-1844. Please try email first as they spend lots of time outdoors in the their garden.
- C.T. Fisher Knives – Quality Custom Handmade Steel Knives and Sheaths for Hunting, Survival & Camping! Visit