Punctuation Marks Flashcards


Thirteen punctuation cards, 4 x 3 3/4 x 1/4 inch, with their names on the back of each card, make up each set. Packaged in a zip-lock bag. The Punctuation Rules (6 pages), go with the flashcards and packeaged with the Special Instruction Sheets. Punctuation Cards and the Punctuation Rules are used together during the First Reader lesson, and thereafter.

SKU: KT-1-11 Category:

Thirteen punctuation cards, (4 x 3 3/4 x 1/4 inches) with their names on the back, are used to drill on the names of the marks. Packaged in a zip-lock bag.

The Punctuation Rules (6 pages on white paper), explain each Punctuation Mark, and are in the Special Instruction Sheets package. Punctuation Cards and the Punctuation Rules are used together and required from the First Reader lesson and ever after, until mastered. Every time a punctuation mark is required, the student should be taught how to stroke and place it properly in relation the guidelines on his paper. He should also be taught the rules and questioned regarding why a punctuation mark is here or there and what it means, until the rules are mastered.


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