All Numeral Stroking Cards


There are two sets of 3 3/4 x 2 7/8 inches Numeral Stroking Cards. These are for Right-Handed and Left-handed students.

SKU: NS-1 Category:

There are two sets of 3 3/4 x 2 7/8 inches Numeral Stroking Cards. These are for Right-Handed and Left-handed students. (The Manuscript Numeral stroking instructions are given only in the Teacher’s Manual as a short step toward cursive. The difference between Manuscript Numerals (vertical, round, and blocky-- rectangle model) and Cursive Numerals (slanted, oblique, and elongated-- parallelogram model) is the easy, swinging slant and narrower shape of the cursive. Stroking is identical for all the numerals otherwise. Writing by oral directions is better than copying because the student avoids having to glance up while writing, which breaks up continuity of focus and compromises handwriting quality. With these directions kept in mind, every student can tell himself how to stroke correctly.


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